2010 goal

1. Share the gospel to 200 persons.
2. Attend a company Christmas party.
3. Save money. (limit to P150 load per month)
4. To be joyfully single whole year (but they can express their feelings pa din, our house is open.)
5. To multiply my dgroup. To make Christ's committed followers who will make committed followers, who will make committed followers.
6. Help my sisters to multply their dgroup members.
7. To have a grand summer vacation with my family.
8. To go to palawan with my Singles dgroup.
9. To pray at prayer mountain.
10. To have a videoke party on my birthday.
11. To work for 3 yrs straight in one company.
12. To be more loving and sweet with my family and friends.
13. To be a sunday school teacher.
14. Finish reading the Bible again.
15. Watch movies often.
16. Conduct a bible study in barangay. (cofradia??)
17. Exercise often. (gym)
18. Gain new friends.
19. Smile often. (laugh)
20. Buy psp or ps2.
21. Treat ate ethel
22. have a pure heart (no impure thoughts about other people, no gossips, no bad feelings)
23. To have a quiet and gentle spirit.
That's for now...
