Christmas Edition / Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ptr. Vince Burke
It's Christmas once again. The Christmas lights are alit everywhere. The malls are full of people. The streets are full of cars. Traffic is almost unbearable. It's that time of the year when everyone seems to be in a frenzy. Everyone is busy attending Christmas parties, wrapping and giving gifts. There is an air of celebration all around… but stop for a moment, and be still... think about this: Who and what are we really celebrating?
The message of Christmas isn't just Christmas lights, shopping, receiving gifts, giving gifts, parties. Christmas is really all about our loving God who came to earth in the form of man and died a very painful death so that we all may have eternal life.
The tiny baby in swaddling clothes we see in the 'belens' came for a purpose. Jesus chose to be born in a stable not in a palace as He deserved. He did not desire the comforts nor accolades fit for a heavenly king. He came to give His life so that we may have life. The little baby who cried for milk and found comfort in the breast of His mother while lying in the rough wooden trough, was the same man who was condemned for our sins and nailed to a cross, and the same God who rose from the dead to defeat sin and death so that we may live with Him forever. And He is the same God who lovingly extends His grace and mercy and who comforts us when we go through pain in this often difficult life.
Christmas is much, much more than following traditions, commercialism, materialism and indulgence. Christmas revolves around a person – Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is but fitting that those of us who profess to have a relationship with Jesus, those of us who consider Him our Lord and Savior, consider this season as a time to exalt Him and thank Him for what He has done. Christ is what makes Christmas special. Jesus is the only reason for the season.
The "Greatest Gift" we can ever receive this Christmas is Christ Himself. Matthew 1:21 tells us – “for He, Jesus, shall save His people from their sins." In Matthew 1:23, Jesus is called Emmanuel, which means "God with us." The Apostle Paul referred to Jesus as the "Indescribable Gift" in 2 Corinthians 9:15. And the Apostle John tells us how much God loves – “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Luke wrote in Luke 2:1, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Christ is the ONLY Savior! Neither is there salvation in any other – for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we can be saved (Acts 4:12).
Have you accepted this Great Gift of God? Are you sure you will have eternal life with Christ Jesus? You can be sure by praying and asking God by faith, to save you from the penalty of your sins by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Savior and God will do what He has promised for He has said in Acts 2:21: “And it shall BE, THAT EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE Lord shall BE SAVED.”
Christmas can mean forgiveness of YOUR sins and an abundant NEW LIFE. If you have not received Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, God in the flesh, why don't you ask Him to forgive your sins, why don't you turn to Christ and ask Him to be your Savior and Master right now?
Likewise, this Christmas may be the best time to give back the love of Jesus to those who need His love. Perhaps, there is a broken relationship that needs healing. If there is resentment and bitterness in your heart, just think about how much you are forgiven. Jesus' forgiveness will enable you to also forgive others. Jesus asks you to forgive as He has forgiven you. Philippians 2:8 tells us about Jesus' own humililty, “…And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” As Jesus humbled Himself, He too will enable us to humble ourselves and reach out, ask forgiveness without expecting anything in return.
This is a season to be humble and forgiving, a season to be thankful, to count our blessings because we have received God's greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ. He is what Christmas is all about.
Ptr. Vince Burke
It's Christmas once again. The Christmas lights are alit everywhere. The malls are full of people. The streets are full of cars. Traffic is almost unbearable. It's that time of the year when everyone seems to be in a frenzy. Everyone is busy attending Christmas parties, wrapping and giving gifts. There is an air of celebration all around… but stop for a moment, and be still... think about this: Who and what are we really celebrating?
The message of Christmas isn't just Christmas lights, shopping, receiving gifts, giving gifts, parties. Christmas is really all about our loving God who came to earth in the form of man and died a very painful death so that we all may have eternal life.
The tiny baby in swaddling clothes we see in the 'belens' came for a purpose. Jesus chose to be born in a stable not in a palace as He deserved. He did not desire the comforts nor accolades fit for a heavenly king. He came to give His life so that we may have life. The little baby who cried for milk and found comfort in the breast of His mother while lying in the rough wooden trough, was the same man who was condemned for our sins and nailed to a cross, and the same God who rose from the dead to defeat sin and death so that we may live with Him forever. And He is the same God who lovingly extends His grace and mercy and who comforts us when we go through pain in this often difficult life.
Christmas is much, much more than following traditions, commercialism, materialism and indulgence. Christmas revolves around a person – Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is but fitting that those of us who profess to have a relationship with Jesus, those of us who consider Him our Lord and Savior, consider this season as a time to exalt Him and thank Him for what He has done. Christ is what makes Christmas special. Jesus is the only reason for the season.
The "Greatest Gift" we can ever receive this Christmas is Christ Himself. Matthew 1:21 tells us – “for He, Jesus, shall save His people from their sins." In Matthew 1:23, Jesus is called Emmanuel, which means "God with us." The Apostle Paul referred to Jesus as the "Indescribable Gift" in 2 Corinthians 9:15. And the Apostle John tells us how much God loves – “for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Luke wrote in Luke 2:1, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Christ is the ONLY Savior! Neither is there salvation in any other – for there is no other name under heaven given among men, whereby we can be saved (Acts 4:12).
Have you accepted this Great Gift of God? Are you sure you will have eternal life with Christ Jesus? You can be sure by praying and asking God by faith, to save you from the penalty of your sins by receiving the Lord Jesus as your Savior and God will do what He has promised for He has said in Acts 2:21: “And it shall BE, THAT EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE Lord shall BE SAVED.”
Christmas can mean forgiveness of YOUR sins and an abundant NEW LIFE. If you have not received Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, God in the flesh, why don't you ask Him to forgive your sins, why don't you turn to Christ and ask Him to be your Savior and Master right now?
Likewise, this Christmas may be the best time to give back the love of Jesus to those who need His love. Perhaps, there is a broken relationship that needs healing. If there is resentment and bitterness in your heart, just think about how much you are forgiven. Jesus' forgiveness will enable you to also forgive others. Jesus asks you to forgive as He has forgiven you. Philippians 2:8 tells us about Jesus' own humililty, “…And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” As Jesus humbled Himself, He too will enable us to humble ourselves and reach out, ask forgiveness without expecting anything in return.
This is a season to be humble and forgiving, a season to be thankful, to count our blessings because we have received God's greatest gift of all – Jesus Christ. He is what Christmas is all about.